French name
English Name
accent aigu |
The acute accent can only be on an E. At the beginning of a word, it often indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., étudiant |
accent grave | The grave accent can be found on an A, E, or U. On the A and U, it usually serves to distinguish between homonyms; e.g., ou (or) v où (where) |
accent circonflexe | Circumflex. This can be on an A, E, I, O, or U. The circumflex usually indicates that an s used to follow that vowel, e.g., forêt. It also serves to distinguish between homonyms; e.g., du contraction of de + le) as against dû past participle of devoir) |
accent tréma | Dieresis (like the German umlaut but with a different function) can be on an E, I, U. It is used when two vowels are next to each other and both must be pronounced, e.g., naïve, Saül |
The cédille | The cedilla is found only on the letter C. It changes a hard C sound (like K) into a soft C sound (like S), e.g., garçon. The cedilla is placed in front of E or I, because C always sounds like an S in front of these vowels. |
un point | full stop, period,dot |
une virgule | comma |
les deux points, un deux-points | colon |
un point-virgule | semi colon |
une apostrophe | apostrophe |
un point d'exclamation | exclamation point |
un point d'interrogation | question mark |
les points de suspension | ellipsis |
un trait d'union | dash, hypen |
un tiret | m-dash |
un underscore, un souligné | underscore |
un symbole du degré | degree sign |
« »
guillemets (m) | quotation marks, corresponding to inverted commas " " |
( )
parenthèses (f) | parentheses |
[ ]
crochets (droits) (m) | (square) brackets |
{ }
accolades (f) | curly brackets, braces |
< >
crochets fléchés (m), crochets pointus (m) | angle brackets |
une esperluette, un et commercial, un et anglais | ampersand |
un astérisque | asterisk |
un dièse (Fr), un carré (Can) | number sign |
un signe du dollar, un dollar | dollar sign |
un symbole livre | pound sign |
un signe de pour-cent, un pour-cent | percent sign |
le signe plus | plus sign |
le signe moins | minus sign |
un signe égal | equal sign |
un signe inférieur | less-than sign |
un signe supérieur | greater-than sign |
une barre vertical, opérateur de transfert des données | pipe |
une barre oblique, trait oblique, un slash | forward slash |
une barre oblique inverse, un anti slash | backslash |
un aroba, un arobas, un a commercial | at sign |
www, trois w, or oui oui oui (teen talk) | www |
| = h t t p deux-points barre oblique barre oblique trois w point xxx point com |