Living in the Languedoc: Driving: Special
considerations in the Languedoc-Roussillon

Beware that the traditionally relaxed attitude to drinking
and driving had changed. Embarrassed by the hugely disproportionate
road accident statistics, the government has forced the
police to clamp down heavily. Local authorities, meanwhile,
are cutting down hundreds of miles of plain trees along
the sides of the roads, convinced that these "killer-trees"
are responsible for the high death toll (rather than, for
example, the widespread habit of driving at high speed three
inches away from the car in front, or overtaking on blind
Some roads in the Languedoc are mountainous
and narrow, with numerous bends. You should be vigilant and
beware of wandering animals. The majority of road accidents
occur during the tourist season.
Wheel chains are necessary in mountain areas in the winter. In
some places they are compulsory.
There are a number of periods during the
year, including all Sundays when heavy goods vehicles over
7.5 tonnes are banned from driving on roads in France. Road
hauliers should contact the Road Hauliers Association, the
Freight Transport Association or the Department of Transport
for further information.
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page: Holiday routes (Bison futé)