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Sources of More Information about the Languedoc:   Regional Guides - 2

The South of France: Provence, Cote D'Azur, and Languedoc-Roussillon;     by Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls (Contributor) ;     Paperback: 480 pages;     Publisher: Globe Pequot Press; 2nd edition (December 1991);     ASIN: 0871061538
Walking in the Languedoc;     by Cross;     Paperback: 128 pages;     Publisher: Cicerone Press; (May 2001);     ISBN: 1852843098
Languedoc Roussillon;     by Petit Fute (Editor);     Paperback ;     Publisher: BHB International, Inc.; (January 2004);     ISBN: 2746901420
Landscapes of Western Provence and Languedoc-Roussillon: (Landscape Countryside Guides);     by John Underwood, Pat Underwood;     Paperback: 136 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 8.27 x 3.94;     Publisher: A & C Black (Publishers) Ltd; (March 2002);     ISBN: 1856911942
Guide Bleu Languedoc - Roussillon ;     by Guides Bleus ;     Paperback: 447 pages ;     Publisher: French & European Pubns; (April 23, 2003);     ISBN: 0828865132
Languedoc & Roussillon (Passport's Regional Guides of France);     by Andrew Sanger, Joe Cornish (Photographer);     Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.75 x 8.50 x 5.75;     Publisher: Passport Books; 2nd edition (September 1994);     ASIN: 0844290866

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