towns have regular market days. Languedoc markets sell local
meat, fruit, vegitables, cheese, sea-food, clothes, jewellery,
fabrics, shoes, kitchen utensils, tools and flowers. Look
out for the charcuterie and the many varieties of olives.
Look out also for brocants, puces, vide-greniers, and foires brocantes.
Brocantes: markets for second hand household items, bric-a-brac rather than antiques but often with interesting local items.
Puces: flea markets (as well as fleas and thumbs) - often at regular times and places.
Vide-greniers: vide-grenier means "empty
attic". The idea is that everyone in a village
will rake out accumulated rubbish from their house to sell
to their neighbours and anyone else interested. Notices for vide-greniers are put up in tabacs and shop
windows, and you will evenon signs by the side of the road. Here's web-site where you can find upcoming vide-greniers in the Languedoc
For a list of regular markets, click here
For a specific Languedoc market, select the initial letter of the name: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V.