is honeycombed with caves and caverns, forming one of the
richest areas of subterranean systems in France. At least
15 of them are open to the public. It's easy to stroll through
the labyrinth of halls and galleries, up flights of steps
and along lighted passages. Some are even accessible by
wheelchair. Other caves are for expert pot-holers only.
These caves contain narrow passages and vast chambers with stunning colours, sometimes lakes and rivers. There are extraordinary shapes that seem to be sculpted from rock, notable examples are the "Hundred-Thousand Soldiers" of the Grotte de Trabuc, or the "Medusa's Head" in the Grotte de Clamouse. Serious potholers, divers and speliologists might be interested in exploring a huge network of underground caverns under the Forêt de Fanges (near Quillan) which have barely been touched. The following is a list of caves in the Languedoc-Roussillon. Most of these can be visited by the general public. Others are for serious pot-holers.