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Holiday in the Languedoc:   Naturist Holidays and Nudist Beaches

France is the country for naturism. Topless bathing is normal on all beaches. Nowhere else in the world will you find so many beaches and holiday resorts to enjoy the freedom of shedding your clothes as on Languedoc beaches.

So if you're sick of sitting around in pointless, soggy, clinging bathing costumes, now's your chance to join the sensible people.

You will find some Languedoc resorts near inland lakes, and some in the mountains. Since most are on or near the coast, you will find them concentrated in the four départements in the Languedoc-Roussillon which border the Mediterranean Sea.

For a full list of naturist sites in the Languedoc-Roussillon, click hereNext..

Or, if you're interested in a specific département, click on one of the links below: Details include name, location, site description, how to get there, when open, contact details, accommodation available, sports and activities available, restaurants and other services, web address (if they have one).


Sites have been classified as public Beaches ("plages"), Clubs (not-for-profit associations registered as charities) and Resorts (Centres de Vacances, generally commercial enterprises). Sometimes the distinction is not very clear as, for example, a Resort might host a Club and run a Beach.

Many clubs and Resorts are members of the FNI, Fédération Naturiste Internationale (International Naturism Federation) - logo on the left. Clubs are "affiliated" and so have a numéro d'affiliation. Resorts (Centres de Vacances) have a numéro d'homologation.

Aude BeachesNext. Holiday ResortsNext. ClubsNext.
Gard BeachesNext. Holiday ResortsNext. ClubsNext.
Herault BeachesNext. Holiday ResortsNext. ClubsNext.
Lozere - - ClubsNext.
Pyrenees Orientales BeachesNext. Holiday ResortsNext. ClubsNext.

Some Useful Links

Another useful organisation is the Union des Campeurs Naturistes (Union of Naturist Campers):

Maison du Naturisme,
65 rue de Tocqueville,
F-75017 PARIS
(phone: +, fax: +

For a useful and apparently objective assessment of many naturist sites in the Languedoc, visit


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