Living in the Languedoc: CentralGovernment: French
National Symbols: The Pantheon:
It was secularized and nationalized in 1791 as the burial place of the "Great
the nineteenth century, the Pantheon was a focus for the hostility
directed at the Republic. During this period it was returned
to the Church - from 1814 to 1830 and again from 1851 to 1885.
political right (who buried their heroes at Les Invalides
seem to have been reconciled to the Parthenon as late as
1964 when General de Gaulle allowed Jean Moulin to be buried
in the Pantheon.
The Pantheon is one of the gererally recognised symbols of sovereignty not mentioned in article 2 of the French Constitution of 1958, which refers only to le drapeau tricolore, bleu, blanc, rouge: The French Flag , L'hymne national, the national anthem, The Marseillaise and La devise de la République; the motto . "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité".
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