Languedoc Topics
After the First Crusade captured Jerusalem in 1099, many European pilgrims travelled to visit what they referred to as the Holy Places. Although the city of Jerusalem was under relatively secure control, the rest of the Outremer was not. Bandits abounded, and pilgrims were sometimes attacked, as they made the journey from Jaffa on the Mediterranean coast towards Jerusalem. Around 1119, two veterans of the First Crusade, a French knight called Hugues de Payens and his relative Godfrey de Saint-Omer, proposed the creation of a monastic order for the protection of the pilgrims. King Baldwin II of Jerusalem agreed to their request, and gave them space for a headquarters on the Temple Mount, in the Al Aqsa Mosque. The Temple Mount had a mystique, because it was above the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. The Crusaders referred to the Mosque as Solomon's Temple, and it was from this location that the Order took the name of Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, or "Templar" knights. The Order, initially with about nine knights, had few financial resources and relied on donations to survive. Their emblem was of two knights riding on a single horse, emphasising the Order's poverty. The Templars' impoverished status did not last long. They had a powerful advocate in Bernard of Clairvaux, a leading Church figure and a nephew of one of the founding knights. He spoke and wrote persuasively on their behalf, and in 1129 at the Council of Troyes, the Order was officially endorsed by the Church. With this formal blessing, the Templars became a favoured organisation across western Christendom, receiving money, land and noble-born sons from families who were eager to help with the fight in the Holy Land. Another major benefit came in 1139, when Pope Innocent II's papal bull Omne datum optimum exempted the Order from obedience to local laws. This ruling meant that the Templars could pass freely through all borders, were not required to pay any taxes, and were exempt from all authority except that of the Pope. With a clear mission and ever increasing resources, the Order grew rapidly. Templars were often the advance force in key battles of the Crusades, as the knights on their heavily armed warhorses would set out to gallop at the enemy to break their lines. They were the mobile artillery - the tanks - of their day. Although the primary mission of the Order was military, relatively few members were combatants. Others acted in support positions to assist the knights and to manage their vast financial infrastructure. Like other monastic orders, members were sworn to individual poverty, but the order itself grew fabulously wealthy. In 1150 the Order began generating letters of credit for pilgrims journeying to the Holy Land: pilgrims deposited their valuables with a local Templar preceptory before embarking, received an encrypted document indicating the value of their deposit, then used that document upon arrival in the Holy Land to claim their funds. This innovative arrangement may have been the first formal system to support the use of what were essentially cheques. It also improved the safety of pilgrims by making them less attractive targets for thieves, and also contributed to the Templar coffers especially since a substantial proportion of deposits would never be reclaimed.
The Templars were forced to relocate their headquarters to other cities in the north, such as the seaport of Acre, which they held for the next century. But they lost that too in 1291, followed by their last mainland strongholds, Tortosa (then in the County of Tripoli, modern Syria), and Atlit. Their headquarters moved to Limassol, Cyprus, with a garrison on Arwad Island, off the coast from Tortosa. In 1300, there was an attempt to engage in co-ordinated military efforts with the Mongols via a new invasion force at Arwad. In September 1302 the Templars were defeated by a Mamluk fleet in the Siege of Arwad, losing their last foothold in the Holy Land.
OrganisationThe Templars were a monastic order, based on Bernard's Cistercian Order. The organisational structure had a strong chain of authority. Each country with a major Templar presence (France, England, Aragon, Portugal, Poitou, Apulia, Jerusalem, Tripoli, Antioch, Anjou, and Hungary) had a Master of the Order for the Templars in that region. All of them were subject to the Grand Master, always a French knight, appointed for life, who oversaw the Order's military efforts in the East and their financial holdings in the West. No precise numbers exist, but it is likely that at the Order's peak there were between 15,000 and 20,000 Templars, of whom about a tenth were knights. Bernard de Clairvaux and Hugues de Payens devised the code of behaviour for the Templar Order, known to modern historians as the Latin Rule. Its 72 clauses defined the ideal behaviour for the Knights, such as the types of robes they were to wear and how many horses they could have. Knights were to take their meals in silence, eat meat no more than three times per week, and were not to have physical contact of any kind with women, even members of their own family. As the Order grew, more guidelines were added, and the original list of 72 clauses expanded to several hundred in its final form.
The white mantle was assigned to the Templars at the Council of Troyes in 1129, and the cross was most probably added to their robes at the launch of the Second Crusade in 1147, when Pope Eugenius III, King Louis VII of France, and many other notables attended a meeting of the French Templars at their headquarters near Paris. According to their Rule, the knights were to wear the white mantle at all times, even being forbidden to eat or drink unless they were wearing it. Initiation, known as Reception (receptio) into the Order, was a profound commitment and involved a solemn ceremony. Outsiders were discouraged from attending the ceremony, an fact that excited the suspicions of Inquisitors during the later trials. New members had to sign over all of their wealth and goods to the Order and take vows of poverty, chastity, piety, and obedience just like other monks. Most brothers joined for life, although some were allowed to join for a set period. The red cross that the Templars wore on their robes was a symbol of martyrdom, and Popes repeatedly told them that to die in combat was a great honour that assured a place in heaven. There was a rule that the warriors of the Order should never surrender unless the Templar flag had fallen, and even then they were first to try to regroup with another of the Christian orders. Only after all flags had fallen were they allowed to leave the battlefield. This uncompromising principle, along with their reputation for courage, their excellent training, and their heavy armament, made the Monastic Orders the most feared combat forces in medieval times. One consequence was that the Moslem armies, who generally took Christian knights prisoner and ransomed them back, usually executed captured Templars and Hospitalers. Grand Master Gérard de Ridefort was beheaded by Saladin in 1189 at the Siege of Acre. Starting with founder Hugues de Payens in 11181119, the Order's highest office was that of Grand Master, a position which was held for life, though this could mean a very short tenure. All but two of the Grand Masters died in office, and several died during military campaigns. The Grand Master oversaw all of the operations of the Order, including both the military operations in the Holy Land and Eastern Europe, and the Templars' financial and business dealings in Western Europe.
The Knights Templar have become associated with legends concerning
secrets and mysteries handed down to the select from ancient times.
Rumours circulated even during the time of the Templars themselves.
Freemasonic writers added their own speculations in the 19th century,
and further fictional embellishments have been added in modern movies
such as National Treasure and Kingdom of Heaven, best-selling novels
such as Ivanhoe and The Da Vinci Code, and video games such as Hellgate:
London and Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars.
Many Templar legends are connected with the Order's early occupation
of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and speculation about what relics
the Templars may have found there, such as the Holy
Grail or the Ark
of the Covenant. That the Templars were in possession of some
relics is certain. Many churches still display relics such as the
bones of a saint, a scrap of cloth once worn by a holy man, or the
skull of a martyr: the Templars did the same. They were documented
as having a piece of the True Cross, which the Bishop of Acre carried
into battle at the disastrous Horns of Hattin. Saladin captured
the relic, which was then ransomed back to the Crusaders when the
Muslims surrendered the city of Acre in 1191. They also possessed
the head of Saint Euphemia of Chalcedon. The subject of relics also
came up during the Inquisition of the Templars, as several trial
documents refer to the worship of an idol of some type, referred
to in some cases as a cat, a bearded head, or in some cases as Baphomet,
according to one theory a French misspelling of the name Mahomet
worship was included in the charges brought against the Templars
leading to their arrest in the early fourteenth century. This accusation
of idol worship levied against the Templars has also led to the
modern belief by some that the Templars practised witchcraft.
There was particular interest during the Crusader era in the Holy Grail myth, which was quickly associated with the Templars, even in the 12th century. The first Grail romance, the fantasy story Le Conte du Graal, was written in 1180 by Chrétien de Troyes, who came from the same area where the Council of Troyes had officially sanctioned the Templars' Order. In Arthurian legend, the hero of the Grail quest, Sir Galahad (a 13th-century literary invention of monks from St. Bernard's Cistercian Order), was depicted bearing a shield with the cross of Saint George, similar to the Templars' insignia. In a chivalric epic of the period, Parzival, Wolfram von Eschenbach refers to Templars guarding the Grail Kingdom. A legend developed that, since the Templars had their headquarters at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, they must have excavated in search of relics, found the Holy Grail, and then proceeded to keep it in secret and guard it with their lives. However, in the extensive documents of the Templar inquisition there was never any mention of anything like a Grail relic, let alone its possession by the Templars.
One legendary artefact that does have some connection with the Templars is the Shroud of Turin. In 1357, the shroud was first publicly displayed by the family of the grandson of Geoffrey de Charney, the Templar who had been burned at the stake with Jacques de Molay in 1314. The artefact's origins are still a matter of controversy. In 1988, a carbon dating analysis concluded that the shroud was made between 1260 and 1390, a span that includes the last half-century of the Templars.
There is a popular idea that the Knights Templar were sympathetic to the Cathars and allied with forces loyal to the Counts of Toulouse. The evidence is that the Templars were not sympathetic to the Cathars - in fact the evidence that any sympathy from the military orders came from the Knights Hospitaler.
If you want to learn more about these questions from experts like Henry Lincoln, on location in the Languedoc, you might be interested in Templar Quest Tours.
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