Living in the Languedoc: The Medical System: Medical Institutions
Hospitals are generally state-run institutions offering a range of medical services.
Treatment is reimbursed by the Sécurité Sociale.
This covers expenses related to hospitalisation, such as the daily charges, pharmaceuticals, transfusions, use of equipment, operating theatres, and delivery rooms.
Within certain limits, it also covers medical and surgical fees.
Clinics are privately run, but function more or less in the same way as hospitals.
Services are generally better and private rooms are available.
Treatment is not fully reimbursed by the Sécurité Sociale, but if you have a "mutuelle" then it will normally cover the extra expense.
Hospices are State-run institutions for the chronically or terminally ill.
Treatment is fully reimbursed by the Sécurité Sociale.
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