Living in the Languedoc: The Medical System: Emergencies
Depending on the nature of the emergency, there are several courses of action:
For accidents and emergencies, see above under ambulances.
For strains, sprains, cuts, and other minor injuries, go to the accident and emergency of the nearest hospital.
If a doctor (GP) or dentist is needed outside normal consulting hours, call the local police Commissariat to obtain the number of the duty doctor (médecin de garde). Depending on the situation, this doctor will ask you to go to his or her practice or make a house call. The médecin de garde may prescribe medication that can be picked up at a pharmacie de garde (a pharmacy open during off hours or on weekends and holidays).
Ambulances in France are run by private companies. They are really taxis that you can lie down in, so do not be surprised to see a taxi looking lake an ambulance, are an ambulance with a taxi sign on it.
For accidents and emergencies dial 18 to ring the sapeurs pompiers (Fire Brigade, which in France is actually part of the military)
For other needs dial 15 for the SAMU.
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