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Living in the Languedoc:    The Medical System:    Obtaining Reimbursement

When you go to a doctor or dentist, you pay them directly and are given a paper called a feuille de soins. This indicates the kind of treatment you have received and the amount you have paid. You fill in the front part of the form.
If the doctor has prescribed medication, you take the prescription and the feuille de soins to your pharmacie; the pharmacist will dispense your drugs and help you fill out the paperwork which has to be sent to the Sécurité Sociale (if you don't need any medication, you send the feuille des soins to the Sécurité Sociale yourself).
The Sécurité Sociale processes your request and liaises with your mutuelle, if you have one. You will receive the first part of your reimbursement as a direct deposit into your bank account within 6 days (when sending your first lot of paperwork, include an RIB which you can obtain from your bank).
If you have a complementary insurance, the second part of your reimbursement will be deposited into your bank account 4 or 5 days later.
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